BCNjoya (Expohogar) 2016
BCNjoya (Expohogar) 2016

BCNjoya (Expohogar) 2016

Over the next days, I will take part for the first time in BCNjoya (Expohogar), in Fira Barcelona Montjüic exhibition center. This trade fair will be held between September 17th and 20th in Barcelona. I am supported by the  Departamento de Ocupació, Proyección Económica, Juventud y Deportes del Consell Insular de Menorca  to attend it. So, the workshop will remain closed from September 16th to 22nd.


I will present in the main land my litte collection “VenT” (wind). You can also see these jewels in the Centre Artesanal de Menorca until the end of the month, as part of  the exhibition Joia de Menorca. They are presented with a brief text, which talks about how Tramontana (north wind) influences the island nature and all of us living here:


Amb T majúscula… T de Tramuntana,

La que fa ballar els nostres cabells i els nostres pensaments,

La que a voltes ens refresca i d’altres ens congela, necessària però embogidora,

Metòdica escultora que dóna forma a la natura de l’illa, modelant arbres i forçant perfils en constant moviment.

                                                        Imatges i idees que sempre hi han estat i que ara han donat peu a aquestes joies…        tocades per la Tramuntana…


And also the other new collection called “Esquerdes” (cracks). I presented a small advance of it in this year Gran Migjornale. This collection is developed from the idea of japanese technique Kintsugi, where ceramic objects that are broken, are repared filling in the cracks with gold varnish. Also the Gintsugi, where silver is used and Urushitsugi, that is made with urushi lacquer. This fact, instead of lower their value, has the opposite effect: due to their story and scars, now they are more appreciated. I loved the idea and its meaning, and what gives us in a personal level.

So: if you want to have a closer look to these jewels, you will find me in Palau P2, carrer J, nivell 0, al nº stand 101 BCNjoya.

It will be a pleasure to see you there.