Ferreries tot l’any
Ferreries tot l’any

Ferreries tot l’any

Ferreries has everything to be enjoyed all year round. The municipality has outstanding natural heritage. A wonderful network of natural routes are also a highlighted; it also offers singular archaeological sites than can be visited; a diversified industrial sector led by the footwear industry and a network of local artisans; the sea is within reach on both its north and south coasts; ample accommodation and gastronomy and a relevant and vibrant group of associations and organizations round off its high value.

“Ferreries all year round” hopes to enhance the great values of the municipality through a monthly topic proposal and a leisure activity program for one and all, both for residents and visitors that are looking for a place to get away while feeling at home at any time of the year, be it winter, spring, summer or autumn. A month-by-month tour of life in the municipality.

I am attached to the initiative and whenever I can, I participate in the activities they propose.